Support our Cause

Belper Community Hall is a Registered Charity (Charity No 1078761) which is run for the good of the local and wider community. All monies made from bookings and activities run at the Hall is returned to the Hall for upkeep and essential maintenance. It’s a difficult job to keep the Hall going, so if you would like to help, Support Our Cause by making a donation, you can do so here.
Ways to Support Belper Community Hall with:
- Make a donation
- Support us by shopping online via EasyFundraising
- Support our Woodland Campaign
Would you like to Support Our Cause from the comfort of your arm chair? Belper Community Hall is registered on the EasyFundraising (EF) scheme which is basically a way of giving Belper Community Hall “free money. EasyFundraising is a shopping portal that offers a percentage fee from a huge number of retailers and literally costs you nothing. All you have to do is: Sign up to Easy Fundraising and select Belper Community as your cause at
Once signed up, when you are shopping, visit your retailer via the EasyFundraising website or app (you can download a Donation Reminder on both). You can shop with insurance firms, holiday companies, hotels, electrical suppliers and lots of other types of business, and many big retail names – e.g eBay and – will all donate a percentage of whatever you purchase, which can range from 0.5% to 6%.
Belper Community Land Trust - Help Preserve our Woodland
A piece of land – approximately 3/4 of an acre, adjacent to the rear of the Belper Community Hall – was put up for sale by auction in June 2023 by Derbyshire County Council. This woodland had previously been left in its natural state for over 50 years – flourishing and supporting an ecosystem and microclimate that provides a welcome retreat for dog walkers and families – and which has become an ‘unofficial nature reserve’ loved by many. The land is also used by locals as an unofficial footpath from the A6 to the Belper Cricket, Rugby, and Football Clubs, and the River Derwent, a route which would be threatened if the land is put into private ownership. A fundraising campaign was initiated to acquire the land and preserve it for wildlife and community use. We have made significant progress so far, with a total of £2,570 being raised.