Hall Booking

- Accessible Ramp Access
- Breakfast included
- Car Park
- Garden
- HVAC systems
- Kitchen
- Sprung dance floor
- Toilet Facilities
- WiFi
Hall rules
Check-in: As early as 5 mins before
Check-out: Latest 5 mins after
£50 returnable deposit
No bouncy castle
Cancellation policy
Cancellation Charges (One-off hire)
One month notice, 25% of hire fee
Minimum of three weeks notice, 30% of hire fee
Minimum of 2 weeks notice, 50% of hire fee
Less than 2 weeks notice, 100% of hire fee
Cancellation Charges (Regular Users)
Less than 1 weeks notice, 50% of hire fee
Less than 24 hours notice, 100% of hire fee
May be waived (if mitigating circumstances) at the discretion of the BCH Trustees.
Host info
Contact the host:
07878 933469